New Rookie Cutouts!

Check out the new HD Rookie cutouts we've released!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

New Halloween Cutouts!

Boo! Check out the new HD cutouts we've released on the website :)  UPDATED:  - Penguins  - Backgrounds - Mascots - Puffles - Other Waddle ...

Thursday, 26 September 2013

New Cutouts!

We've updated our cutout pages with new HD cutouts! We've also been working on pack 6, we can't wait to show you the sneak peeks.   UPDATED:  • Penguins • Backgrounds • Puffles • Gary • Aunt Arctic Enjoy the cutouts! Want more cutouts? Download our official pack HE...

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Pack 5 is here!

You heard me! Pack 5 is finally here and ready for YOU to use. Have fun making new amazing graphics with this new pack we've released, but don't have too much fun as another pack will be released soon to the public! Updated: New Backgrounds 500 My Penguin cutouts New Penguins New Mascot cutouts AND MORE. You can download pack 5 by clicking this link H...

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Pack 5 information...

I've seen countless tweets about Pack 5 and what's going to be in the NEW pack, but I'll make it easy for you guys! Here's a list of a few stuff in Pack 5.  Keep checking back for updates on Pack 5! (PACK 5: 30%) ♦ 46+ Penguin Cutouts ♦ New Backgrounds  ♦ New CP items ✓ ♦ 500+ My Penguin Cutouts ✓ And more! ✓ = Finished adding. ...

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


We've updated the cutout pages! Check them out for some awesome NEW cutouts :) UPDATES PAGES: Penguins Backgrounds Other ...

Tutorials coming soon!

Yay! A tutorial page is coming soon but here's the thing, we don't know what you guys want on the tutorial page! It could be anything Club Penguin or Flash related. We've already got a SWF tutorial ready for the page!  What would you guys want on the tutorial page? Send us a tweet HE...

What do you want in Pack 5?

We've been really busy making Pack 5, but there's something missing... Oh yeah! What would YOU like to see in the next pack? It could be anything Club Penguin related.  Send us a tweet here That's all for now, byee...